What is THCA??

What is THCA?

It is often confused with THC, THCA is a little known cannabinoid that is abundant in the raw cannabis plant.

The health benefits provided by THCA are most well absorbed by the body through a raw method of consumption such as cannabis juicing or raw tinctures. THCA works to relieve inflammation, pain and is an ideal cannabinoid for treating symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, seizures.

THCA is an effective neuroprotectant, so it is beneficial in the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It can also help to stimulate the appetite in patients suffering from cachexia and anorexia nervosa. Most impressively, research shows that THC-A helps to slow the proliferation of cancerous cells.

Medicinal Benefits of THCA

Studies have found THCA to have anti-inflammatoryneuro-protectiveanti-emetic, and anti-proliferative properties, all which could make it medically beneficial for a range of conditions.

This variety of potential medicinal benefits could make THCA an important cannabinoid for patients with a variety of medical conditions that already benefit from marijuana. Its anti-inflammatory properties could make it beneficial for those with pain, muscle spasms or auto-immune conditions.

Link to THCA tincture


I have never posted testimonials from my clients, and now is the time! Over the years I have had many people give me feedback on the cannabis tinctures, both CBD and THC and the results they have seen with their health challenges.



I've now been using Super High CBD Pianta Tinta since two days after I saw you on 4 March. I started with 5 drops on 6 March and on 9 March after consulting with Dr. XXXX, increased it to 10 drops (once a day, a couple hours before bedtime). As of last night she had me increase it to 15 drops. I'm adding it to a small amount of water in a spoon and trying to keep it sublingually and not swallow for as long as possible. I have on average 4-6 seizures a month and been on many medications which only put me in a zoombie state...I have been taking the SUPER High CBD tincture now for 2 1/2 months and have had only 1 seizure, and that is probably because I was sick at the time I had the one!. The CBD relaxes me before bed and I can fall asleep faster and am more functional in the morning. I take 5 drops in the am and 5-6 drops before bed.....Vallejo, CA

My dog has had many seizures due to a brain injury….only had one seizure since taking the CBD tincture….Barbara, Sierra Foothills

Usually I have what I describe as visual distortions with tightness of the head - these are auras actually. I tend toward a couple of those a day; they last just a few seconds. It seems in the last week those have decreased (I do write them down when they happen, otherwise they'd be very easy to forget about since they're brief). So I think your tincture is definitely helping....Walnut Creek, CA

I would like to refill my order of Super High CBD Tincture. FYI: I did not find much difference between your CBD tincture and the Charlotte’s Web, except their price/shipping (!) and that they flavor theirs with chocolate. I prefer yours, by far and, I have not had a seizure since, that I am aware of. I also like what this CBD does for my mood…..San Francisco, CA

Thank you for asking about how my daughter is doing. The first week she was taking 3 drops 3 times a day. She became very sleepy an hour after her medication the first week. Now, she has adjusted and is taking 6 drops 3 times a day. No more sleepiness, no redness in her eyes. She has had no seizure activity and does seem more relaxed. I hope to continue to slowly increase as the doctor advised. She did amazing in her physical therapy today! Any pain she has had is much better, too. 

 I am very satisfied and hopeful. Thank you for your product….Vanessa K.


I wanted to tell you I've tapered off from 8 Keppra a day to just four, over the course of about 6 months. Still taking 6 Lyrica a day. I don't notice any increase in auras, and now that things have slowed down after the holidays I can go one or two days with no auras at all….Walnut Creek, CA


Prostate Cancer

Member taking 10 drops per day, feels good more energy, urine smells like cannabis?


Hi, dropping a line to let you know how I am doing.   Cancer marker in blood went from 283 down to 61,  pet scan showed cancer in fluid around right lung was almost gone and what little bit that is there is dormant, nothing changed in abdomen,  holding steady.  I still feel good.  Still taking CBD, but about a week ago I stopped taking the RSO.  The RSO was making me feel bad, made around my eyes swell up. I now take the CBD morning and night.  Drinking the essiac tea 2 times a day.  I had been drinking the tea about a month before I had the test done. I am hoping the tea and all the other stuff I am doing is what is making me beat the odds.  Also would like to think all the advice you have given me is making me feel good and keeping my cancer at bay.  Can't thank you enough.   Don't have to go back to doctor for 2 months, unless I take a turn for the worst, which that isn't going to happen.     L.R.

I received the RSO oil at 8:30 this morning after a sleepless night. I ingested tiny amount and slept from 9:30 to 2:30

I haven't slept that soundly in years. Yes, my wife thought I was dead….Sacramento,CA


Had blood work on the 5th  of this month.  Glucose was 111 and cancer marker went from 132 down to 79.  Had per scan yesterday and it showed my cancer hasn't changed….Lucy R.

 I'm soooo thrilled. My lesion is gone.  The kind of scary part of the treatment is the RSO appeared to eat the skin away, but it's gone & no scarring. 🏼….Deborah

 Elizabeth, I wanted to give you a quick up date my Dad's father in-law that has stage 4 cancer, made it back to the Philippines last week and will stay there.

 I wanted to thank you for being a part of this process of helping him get home….Brian C.

 The week we was evacuated i didn’t get to take CBD, turmeric and the rest of my vitimans.  I have wondered for a long time if the CBD and turmeric was actually doing me any good, i don’t have to wonder any more.  One week without them proved i need them.    Lucy



It’s better than benzodiazepines. I had to rely on Clonazepam for those times when I know stress was inevitable. The CBD works better than Clonazepam. I used it on two recent trips that promised much stress and the CBD worked brilliantly. Calmness in social situations And...btw, it's SO good for social anxiety!!! I use it before parties, conferences, etc., situations where I would get somewhat anxious. And, it has given me the "guts" to book a trip to China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia in the fall!!...Richmond, CA 

I have had frequent panic attacks for a long time and since starting on the CBD and relaxing tea they have decreased dramatically…Pacifica, CA

here's a short, interesting (I hope) story of CBD's effects on my anxiety. 

Two nights ago I had to stand up and give a 1 minute synopsis of the book I was currently pleasure-reading, as an ice-breaker-thing, to a roomful of 60 medical doctors and Ph.Ds. This was at a medical conference at Lake Tahoe. Things like this usually terrify me. I'm not a medical doctor, not a public speaker, not particularly well-spoken; but while "on" CBD, I calmly gave the synopsis without fear. I think it went well. Not only was I not nervous or apprehensive when I knew my moment was approaching, but I did not analyze my little public-speaking event after it was over throughout the rest of the night in my head with negative self-talk!!!!

Thank you for the important work you are doing. R.F.

I can think clearer... less anxiety...( like no need for any Valium ) I'm able to laugh more ( not a stoned laugh at everything laugh) just an enjoy my grand babies laugh. 

I don't know if I can contribute this to it but it seems if I add a few drops at night my nightmares are less and my dreams are happier... ( I have PTSD that I'm working through which came with horrid violent nightmares)

It seems to give me an overall feeling of well being. With no high !

Thank you again for all the work you do! 

I feel like I'm getting my life back ! You're a Godsend!....Amanda F.


I am really liking the tinctures, I especially like combining the CBD and THC for the relaxing effect. It has been helping lower anxiety, insomnia and back pain. My stomach/intestinal issues are slowly getting better as well, which seem to be largely stress related so I think it is contributing to my overall healing….aaron


So just a quick update for you...K. is still on 6 drops twice daily and seems to overall be feeling even a little bit more less anxious than before. They report feeling overall "Happier" than before! Some days they still experience the generalized anxiety but overall I think its been very helpful. They made it through all of the excitement of the Fourth and through the Conference this past weekend with only a little fallout ( which for us is HUGE!! ) Normally they get overstimulated during big, exciting events like these and cant manage the sensory overload. So thank you very very much and I look forward to them hopefully making even more progress as time goes on…E.F.



Knocked the Shingles out in about a week. I was using about 15 drops at night at the time sometimes a bit during the day as well and sleeping a lot. I'm down to 5 drops a night to help with sleep and it is helping…Vallejo, CA

 I use the high CBD tincture in the morning and that knocks out the itch.  I have been trying the oil at night for sleeping.  It helps.  I have been a lifelong bad sleeper, but the oil helps.  I also like the 50/50 at night….Oakland, CA

I have had shingles for the past month and have gone through my supply from a few weeks ago.  The good news is that the tinctures have been extremely effective and I have not had to use any narcotic pain medications and have only taken ibuprofen twice.   I am now getting near the end of the illness but I certainly don't want to run out.  Between the 2 products I was able to get some sleep at night and adequately manage the level of pain during the day.  I am very thankful for them! ….Elizabeth B.


High CBD reduced my ocular pressure behind eyes...from 26 to 22 in one eye and stayed at 26 in other eye. As of 4/16/15, the pressure is down to 16 and 17…..San Francisco, CA


I just wanted to thank you for sending me that article from Dr. Bonni Goldstein regarding nerve related pain. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it helped! I’ve dealt with nerve pain since 1996 and have been poked and prodded and experimented on by doctors in an attempt to be free of the pain and get a good night’s sleep.  I’m not able to take pain medication (nor did I want to) so my only form of relief was wearing a TENS unit. During the day it wasn’t so bad but at night it got tricky. The gel pads and wires only stay in place if I lay very, very still and apparently that’s impossible for me to do. I always woke up multiple times per night with gel pads stuck to my face, my hair, or my husband. Since I’ve started using the proper combination of CBD and THC tinctures and following Dr. Goldstein’s recommendations I am now able to sleep through the night without my TENS unit! I do quite a bit of traveling every month and was not able to endure sitting in a car or riding on a plane without that ever-present TENS unit. But now I don’t even need it!  In fact, I don’t even remember where it is! Is the pain completely gone? No. But it’s at such a manageable level because of the CBD/THC tincture that I feel like I am living a normal life for the first time in more than 20 years. Thank you so much! ….Marge M.

I would also like to report that the high CBD balm you recommended is also fantastic for achy joints (my knees in particular) and muscles (my lower back). It works almost immediately and there is no overt sensation other than the virtual cessation of discomfort in those areas. Alas, the effect is not too long-lasting (a couple of blissful hours) but such is the nature of aging - pain becomes ever more abundant as our youth recedes in the rear view mirror"... Jonathan

It has helped with my pain.  I have stayed with the 10 drops a day.  I mainly use it at the end of the day.  It relaxes me as well and I can fall asleep faster with it….,Vallejo, CA

Anti-inflammatory properties. As an old-ish guy, I push my body farther than I should, so I know all about joint inflammation, and this helps. I have lots of Vicodin, but take it sparingly, if at all. But the CBD provides pain-relief that is just as good as Vicodin for me…Richmond, CA

I have been using the CBD drops daily with great results for a couple months now. I have worked up to 15 drops twice a day, morning and afternoon. I take them sub-lingually with juice. If I’m in pain and think it will affect my sleep, I take 10-15 drops of the 50/50 blend before bedtime. (I've noticed taking these during the day has made me feel a little hazy/sleepy/lethargic, so I use these exclusively at night). My main reason for taking the CBD drops was for my back and sciatic pain. Second to this is my ADD and stress levels. My overall pain level has been reduced. The pain is still there but it feels lessened and dulled.​ I also feel a better sense of overall calmness, I feel like the internal mind chatter and constant thoughts are calmed a bit as well……Vallejo, CA

​ ​

I have been on the drops for almost a week now. I am up to 8 drops 3x's a day. I am finding that I am less and less stiff - especially in the AM, and requiring less pain meds.....Walnut creek, CA

I just wanted to check in with you and let you know how I'm doing. I hope that you and yours have been well and enjoying this beautiful season!

So, last week I took 3 drops twice daily and noticed some very subtle changes. The first thing I noticed was feeling very clear headed, fresh and alert. What a joy! My pain levels were the same (6 to 7 on a pain scale) but by Saturday, my range of motion in turning my head became slightly better. I said, "hey this is new!" I'm starting to enjoy better sleep too: natural, deep, and healing!

This week I have used 4 drops twice daily. Today, my pain levels are lower and my range of motion is greater. I feel a strong pressure still but the sharp pains are gone from my neck, shoulders, and the base of skull. My arm and hand are especially heavy/strained though but  they have felt different ever since my nerve block. I know it's very early still and I will absolutely keep going with the tincture. Thank you also for your recommendations on taking it too. It's been a delicious experience finding just the right one,hehe!
I think I'm right around the corner from finding "my dose". I have a very strong positive feeling that this is going to be my "It". My neck hasn't felt this boring and uneventful (like a neck should feel,lol) in a VERY long time! I will be sure to keep you posted and will be sure to ask you any question that may arise along the way. This is becoming my favorite part of this healing journey~

Please accept my sincere gratitude for you and your partners who make this medicine available. You are truly life savers….Benicia

I am so impressed with the effects of the tinctures I am using. I have so much less pain than I did before. I feel good every day, without fatigue! I seriously have not felt this good in over a year and probabIy longer. I am continuing to regain range of motion in my left shoulder, the one with the rotator cuff problems. It's simply amazing. I am happy and relaxed in spite of the recent diagnosis of breast cancer!......Forest Ranch, CA

I've been able to maintain a little better in coping with his schizophrenic behavior, better quality of sleep with my fibromyalgia.  I do however, also take as needed, a product called sleep essentials or L-tryptophan at night along with the 50/50. But basically, the 50/50 helps get better quality, deeper sleep which is a big deal with fibromyalgia. I'm not where I need to be but definitely on my way….Vallejo, CA

BTW, I stopped my daytime dose for about 10 days and then went back on it and immediately my shoulder made another leap toward recovery. Such great medicine!! I've been hoeing weeds and cleaning up the yard and getting stronger. Yay!....Forest Ranch, CA

I'm so happy I found you b/c I tried a few other places and everything was just too strong, gave me anxiety, etc.  I feel yours is very pure and truly medicinal and I have also been giving it to my Mom and she is SO thankful   However, every other cartridge I have gotten from you has been perfect in the sense of feeling "medicinal" and a perfect amount. Not as much anxiety and my Mom is even off her pain meds!!!  This makes me and her SO happy.  So, we are grateful for you and your work.

Thanks again,  T.S.


One side effect I never expected was that my left heel would hurt so much it would wake me but now there's no pain during the night at all.  That's a huge hooray!    S.S….Walnut Creek, CA


I had spinal surgery two months ago and have utilized the pain medication I ordered several months ago and it really helped, and a great alternative to the opioid based meds prescribed by the surgeon.  Many thank, Sam



I have been on the drops for almost a week now. I am up to 8 drops 3x's a day. I am finding that I am less and less stiff - especially in the AM, and requiring less pain meds….Walnut Creek, CA


Just wanted to let you know that things are going well for my daughter with the CBD tincture.  It seems to be helping.  She is sleeping better and her pain is getting better.  We are trying to wean her off of Lyrica (neuropathic pain drug), which would be a great thing….San Diego, CA

Muscle Spasms

"I just wanted to follow up with you as it has been almost three weeks since I visited you in Vallejo. As you may recall during our consultation, you mentioned that CBD was particularly effective in treating muscle spasms of various kinds and I was prompted to tell you about the clicking in my ear that I came to know was caused by muscle spasms in the inner ear. After using the high CBD tinctures that you recommended for 3-4 days I found that the clicking in my ear had completely dissipated! Furthermore, I recently took a break from using the tinctures and, sure enough, after a couple of days the clicking is starting up again. In fact it was the clicking that made me think to send you this followup email.  ;-)…Jonathan

The pain rub calmed the spasms in my coccyx area and I have no need for narcotics with that particular rub. I am using the RSO THC oil tid (3) times@ day cause my muscles and nerves were starting to continually have spasms. The RSO oil is the most effective medicine that I’ve tried. I sleep well my spasms settle down, it AWESOME!!!.....Lucerne, CA

Brain Fog

I can tell that the CBD is making a difference. It's very good at clearing away my morning brain fog. I'm using 15 drops in the morning after walking the dogs and before eating breakfast. I noticed that I have been getting to sleep later than normal and waking up earlier than normal. I added a 10 drop booster in the mid-morning which seemed to help.....Walnut Creek, CA

Parkinson ’s disease

The jury's still out re: beneficial effect. Tentative observation: my super-small illegible handwriting (micrographia, common in Parkinson's) seems to have improved. No improvement in other symptoms, including unwanted involuntary movements (dyskinesia)……Chico, CA


The tincture does appear to be helping with both my Crohn's and migraines. I think for me the two are connected so it is not surprising it is helping for both. Primarily, I notice that my bowel movements are better when I'm taking it. The migraine stuff is hard to track and I figured out recently that I grind my teeth at night and a mouth guard has been helping with the migraines so it is hard for me to isolate cause and effect but I will keep doing experiments and let you know…..San Francisco, CA

I am really liking the tinctures, I especially like combining the CBD and THC for the relaxing effect. It has been helping lower anxiety, insomnia and back pain. My stomach/intestinal issues are slowly getting better as well, which seem to be largely stress related so I think it is contributing to my overall healing….Aaron from Vallejo

Psoriasis/Skin Conditions

 In general I would say that the psoriasis is backing off everywhere, which is great.  Hard to know exactly what it is I’m doing differently that is contributing to the positive change, I suspect some of all of what I’m doing is making this go in a better direction.  Certainly diet has been a big factor, since my auto-immune issues (Crohn’s & psoriasis) are gut related.  But I feel that your tinctures are also part of the remedy.  I’ve used both the 50/50 and Super high CBD topically, mixing them in warmed oil (at different times hemp, argan, coconut) and applying them topically to my scalp.  I’ve probably done some version of this treatment 4 times since my initial purchase of the tinctures.

I’ve taken the tinctures orally two to four times a week since the initial purchase.  I’ve switched between the two tinctures without noticing a different reaction from one or the other. The dose is around 5 to 7 drops per dose in a small glass of water, usually in the evening, and usually just one dose per day…..San Francisco, CA


Just wanted to say that my skin is looking really good. I'm also taking a lot of things away that perhaps also caused the inflammation but I'm pleasantly surprised at the change. And I feel great, too. So, thank you. Check out this before and after picture! Along with the cbd I also have totally eliminated alcohol and anything else that seemed to be causing more inflammation. Can't believe these results! Walnut Creek, CA





The pain rub calmed the spasms in my coccyx area and I have no need for narcotics with that particular rub. I am using the RSO THC oil tid (3) times@ day because my muscles and nerves were starting to continually have spasms. The RSO oil is the most effective medicine that I’ve tried. I sleep well my spasms settle down, it is AWESOME!!! I am now off of all prescription paid meds.....Lucerne, CA


I'm mainly using it at night just before bed. I sleep as well as I did before menopause.  Consistently too. Good stuff…..Forest Ranch, CA

Thx, Elizabeth.  Yes, I really feel a difference with the cbd.  The thc is also really helping my sleep.  I tried a couple other companies, but theirs didn't seem as clean?....Mill Valley, CA

At this point I'm using 17 drops of the CBD and 7 drops of the THC for sleep and getting about 5-6 hours of sleep a night which is so much better than the 2-4 I used to get.  It's given me so much more energy and blood pressure has improved as well as has the a-fib (noticeable).  This has changed the direction of my life so I thank you. S

As I mentioned to you before, CBD was a lifesaver for me. But when I combined it with THC the positive effects on my insomnia and pain relief were remarkable! As you know, I personally don't want the psycho-activity of THC, but when combined with CBD, the synergy is remarkable. I don't experience psycho-activity, just a peaceful, relaxed feeling. For me, this is not a day-time formula. I've tried both components separately. Indica THC (Granddaddy Purple tincture) was good for sleep, CBD (AC/DC tincture) was spectacular for daytime/evening anxiety-relief. But for me, used together, I get everything I need to have a normal, relaxing evening and I ease into sleep very well. I still use CBD alone for daytime use.

I am really liking the tinctures, I especially like combining the CBD and THC for the relaxing effect. It has been helping lower anxiety, insomnia and back pain. My stomach/intestinal issues are slowly getting better as well, which seem to be largely stress related so I think it is contributing to my overall healing….Aaron from Vallejo


Thanks for all you do for so many of us. Keep up the good work….Robert

Blood Pressure

The really positive on this is my blood pressure has dropped like a stone and my heart palpitations (a-fib) have just about stopped!  The cardiologist felt I would more than likely need a pacemaker pretty soon but now I believe this has pushed that off so I'm thrilled.  S.S….Walnut Creek CA



Yes the fibromyalgia is the biggest issue I'm trying to treat. 

I have found the high CBD has helped with muscle pain and joint pain and stiffness. I use the THC at night because I hadn't slept through the night in years. 

I can go to sleep and am getting more hours in a row than before. It's taken some time to turn that around but it's really helped. It too helps with the pain. 

I really hope she at least tries it. I think I've tried pretty much every other med and this has helped me more than everything else I've tried. 



My daughter has far less migraines and rarely has to take her medication anymore!....A.F.


I am happy to report that I had a migraine the past two evenings and your tincture helped me enough that I didn't have to take my migraine meds.  It also helped me fall asleep even while I was still in pain.  Both days I woke up completely migraine free and without the nasty hangover my migraine meds give me.  I am very hopeful.  Thank you so much!....Heather N.


Psychosis/Gender non-binary

I have all positive updates for you!

 XXX is doing extremely well! They feel strong, happy, more confident and able to communicate better. XXX recovers faster from breakthrough episodes and overall remains calmer and more in control during them. Their medical team has noticed a significant positive change in them since starting the CBD! We are starting to cut back on some of XXX other medications and will hopefully eliminate many of them all together very soon. 


They have chosen to take 2 classes on the high school campus and even like having lunch in the cafeteria where they see their peers! 


We are starting SOAR next week (a 2 year outpatient program for kids with psychosis). We have also decided to apply for a psychiatric service dog to help provide XXX with even more independence, comfort and confidence. We haven't heard back yet if we've been accepted so fingers crossed. 


This is my first time reordering medicine from you so please let me know what to do. 

I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for my family….E.F.


XXX is currently very stable and upbeat. Their symptoms are low again. They're sleeping well, active, goal orientated, back in school part time, happy, and are able to process through many of lifes challenges successfully.

The SOAR program is going well. They are so helpful! We're  really still just getting started though.XXX had a set back in the beginning of Oct. Their symptoms increased and became dangerous. They started following the voice commands. I couldn't manage it safely at home so they had to check into a facility to stabilze and readjust medications. We had to stop the CBD while in the hospital because the staff wasnt willing to give it. But as soon as XXX was back home we restarted it, with Dr.XXX blessing again btw,lol, because he has witnessed what a huge impact its had on XXX. 

Thank you for caring about XXX and being a part of their healing journey. ….E.F.








Still afraid of THC????

THC is the most prominent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. Most people think THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is only used to get “high” and don’t bother to look at the medicinal effects. Back in the 1970’2-80’s the THC content of cannabis was much lower so it took more cannabis to “get high” but with the breeding going on now, the THC levels in cannabis strains are MUCH higher, so it doesn’t take much THC to get the results you want. Taken in low doses THC can have these medicinal effects:

  1. Sedating/Relaxing

  2. Reduces Pain

  3. Anti-tumor effect

  4. Anti-oxidant

  5. Reduces intraocular eye pressure

  6. Reduces nausea

  7. Stimulates appetite

  8. Anti-inflammatory

  9. Induces sleep

  10. Reduces anxiety/depression

  11. Gut issues

    Alot of people and especially seniors have some apprehension in trying THC because of the stigma and the fear of losing control. That is certainly something to think about but I have had alot of people try THC alone or in combination with CBD and have more effective results than just CBD alone. Obviously smoking or vaping THC when you are not used to it can create problems since you cannot regulate how much THC you are getting into your system and usually it too much! Then you have a negative experience and swear you will NEVER try it again! Sound familiar?

    And what are the negative effects of THC when you have too much? Here is a list of what some people might experience:

    1. Rapid heartbeat

    2. Lightheaded/dizzy

    3. Dry mouth/Red eyes

    4. Anxious/paranoid

    5. Hunger

    6. Sleepiness

      Cannabis is not fatal!!!! The above effects will wear off if you were ever to experience them. There are no cannabinoid receptors in the brain that control breathing and heart rate. This explains why there is no possibility of fatal overdose, unlike opioid drugs that can cause death!

      I myself have been in that situation before and it can create alot of fear but when taken in low doses can be very beneficial. How do you get low doses??? Tinctures are a great way to get consistent dosing. Everyone is different in regards to dosing…someone might only need 2 drops while others might need 15 drops for various conditions. So it is best to start of with a low dose, 2-3 drops and increase slowly until you get the desired results. Even cannabis doctors recommend this. This way you avoid the uncomfortable effects of too much THC! The only negative feedback that I have received was from a couple of people that got impatient and decided to take a dropperful instead of drops and had a not so great experience! Lesson learned.

      For instance, I had to find the right dose for myself for my sleep issues..I started with 2 drops and increased the drops over a period of 4 days to find that 6-8 drops of THC tincture works perfect for me without getting high or feeling groggy in the morning. So having some patience to find what is right for you will work in your favor.

      So with all that said, THC can be your friend for many health issues taken responsibly and taken in low doses. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

      To your health! Elizabeth@PiantaTinta


Introducing CD-1 Candida

Why is it called "Candida"? It was named after the founder of Medical Marijuana Genetics late mother and means "Bright Light" in latin. It is a cross between two dynamic high CBD strains, AC/DC and Harlequin.


It has one of the highest CBD and lowest THC contents of any strains available. CBD levels are between 10.9% and 20.6% and THC levels never passing 1%! Fantastic news for people that do not want the uncomfortable effects of too much THC. The anti-psychotic capabilities of the higher levels of CBD outweigh the relatively small amounts of THC therefore making it non-psychoactive.

The medicinal benefits of this strain go on and on... It’s high CBD concentrations make it ideal for helping a wide variety of conditions ranging from epilepsy, pain, inflammation, PTSD, anxiety/depression, ADHD, autism, neurodegeneration, MS, glaucoma, fibromyalgia, cancer, arthritis and much more. It can be used for daytime or nighttime. It can also be suitable for dogs/cats.

The most consistent dosing can be achieved by using a tincture. Our whole plant tinctures are third party lab tested and therapeutic strength with between 500-600 mg CBD per 1 oz bottle.

Email us with any question you might have! 

Elizabeth @ Pianta Tinta


What is CBD?? A Short Video to Enlighten!

New to Medical Cannabis? You're not sure what CBD is?  If you have anyone you know that would like this education, please feel free to pass it on!!  Here is a short video on CBD, which stands for Cannabidiol, one of the many medicinal components of the cannabis plant and a major cannabinoid. Dr. Bonni Goldstein, Weedmaps and SC Labs put this together...good info!

What is RSO OIl????

Since the world of cannabis medicine is new to ALOT of people, I realized that people usually know what a tincture is, but might not know what RSO oil is. Since we have it available on our website I wanted to talk a bit about it so that you might be educated and empowered!

"RSO" stands for Rick Simpson Oil. For those of you who do not know who this man is here is a link to his website Phoenix Tears. He explains how to make your own medicinal cannabis oil. He does not supply the oil!!  You can check out his website to see how it is produced but in short it is a cold extraction using a solvent (there are a number to choose from but I feel the most safe is pure non-denatured ethanol.) to extract the cannabinoids and other plant compounds out, then under low heat cook off the solvent and what you have left is about 60 grams of a thick resinous oil that is the concentrated oil that contains cannabinoids, terpenes, flavinoids and other beneficial components of the cannabis plant. If you are interested in the Rick Simpson story here is a link to purchase his book.

RSO oil is beneficial for those that have gone through chemo, radiation and have problems keeping weight on. Cannabis has been proven to relieve and mitigate chronic pains, as well as helping with migraines, nausea, cramps, arthritis, diabetes, IBS, Crohns, MS, Lupus, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Autism and high blood pressure, among many other issues. Dr. Christina Sanchez has done many studies on how THC kills cancer cells. Have sleeping problems?? Many people do these days and THC oil promotes healthy and restful sleep!
Topical skin conditions, rashes and sores have all shown improved signs of healing when treated with Cannabis oil lotions.

Since it is high THC, you must be very careful and start off with a very small dose, the size of 1/2 grain of rice.....pretty small huh??  Here is a video explaining the dosing that he recommends....for people with serious issues ie: cancer, there is a 60-90 day protocol he recommends....

The endocannabinoid system in our bodies regulate our cancer defense -- so it makes sense that cannabis works effectively in this area, and the science backs that up.

Many people cannot or will not make their own RSO oil, so we are lucky to have a local man make this important medicine!!  Fully decarboxylated and solvent free. It is lab tested for molds and cannabinoid ratios. Since this can have some psychoactive effects in large doses, it is best used at night about an hour before bed. If you take it orally, it has to be broken down by your digestive system and liver, so this takes a little time. A word of caution....it is always best to start slow to see how your body responds, it you start off with a large dose to quickly you can experience some uncomfortable effects like: extreme drowsiness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, lack of focus, rapid heartbeat, feelings of euphoria or paranoia...These effects are not life threatening, just uncomfortable.....soooooo give it the respect is deserves and start at the lowest dose possible!!

One other tip to keep in mind, if you ever have uncomfortable effects from THC, always keep some High CBD tincture on hand, it naturally counteracts the effects of the THC. So hopefully this gives you a better idea of what it is...if there is still some questions that have not been answered, there are many sites online to find them or drop me a line!

Best of Health

Elizabeth,  Pianta Tinta


Rossmoor Seniors Fired up about Cannabis....

Recently I attended an event at Rossmoor, in Walnut Creek. Little did I know that they have a senior community of 10,000. How great it was to see acceptance, education and people TALKING about medical cannabis!! There was a report on site, Joe Garofoli and this is the article that came out in the SF Chronicle.

by Joe Garofoli

Updated 1:59 pm, Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Doug Stiles shows a bottle of liquid cannabis in his home at the Rossmoor retirement community in Walnut Creek. Stiles takes 20 drops before bed to help with his anxiety and help him sleep.

Pot was for fun in Rossmoor resident Doug Stiles’ youth. Now he takes it in liquid form to ease anxiety and help him sleep.

There is a club for Bay Area marijuana enthusiasts where most members don’t want to get high. Mostly because they’re afraid of falling. Or getting too disoriented.

The club is in Rossmoor, the senior citizen community of 10,000 near Walnut Creek.

With an average age of 76, Rossmoor is the kind of place where smoking is banned, though many puff cigars in plain sight on the golf course. But before the Rossmoor Medical Marijuana Education and Support Club held its first meeting in 2011, marijuana was rarely seen, smelled or discussed on the facility’s surgically trimmed grounds.

Since then, the club has grown into a 250-member juggernaut, illustrating the growing acceptance of marijuana in America by seniors — and their growing frustration with mainstream pharmaceuticals prescribed for pain relief.

In 1986 — the heyday of the nation’s War on Drugs — 9 percent of the generation of Americans born between 1928 and 1945 supported legalizing marijuana. That has jumped to 29 percent among that demographic, according to a Pew Research report released this month.

The survey also showed that it might be time to dig through Grandpa’s golf bag: 19 percent of Americans over 70 have tried weed, including 2 percent in the last year.

That might be an undercount, according to some Rossmoor weed aficionados. Many residents are cultivating more than azaleas at home.

“Oh, sure, I’ve got a plant. A lot of people here do,” one woman said after a club meeting last week in Rossmoor. “But I can’t give you my name.”

Changing times

That’s a common sentiment. One club member asked to remain anonymous because “my son owns a business near here.” A few still haven’t told their kids they’re members because they have spent the last 50 years telling them not to smoke dope.

Perhaps because of the reluctance of seniors to discuss their marijuana habits, neither AARP nor the Marijuana Policy Project could provide any studies of cannabis use by seniors. AARP doesn’t have a policy on medical cannabis, even though it is now legal for medicinal use in 23 states and Washington, D.C.

Appropriately, it was on a Rossmoor golf course where the club held its first clandestine meeting four years ago. Twenty cannabis-curious pioneers set up folding chairs near the first tee box at 4 p.m., when they knew most of their golfing neighbors would have already left for cocktail hour, which, like many things in Rossmoor, starts a little early.

“People were still not sure if they wanted to be out about (marijuana) then,” said Renee Lee, a 63-year-old retired therapist who is president of the club. “There was still a stigma about it.”

Lee was among those who wanted to call themselves the 420 Club, but that reference to the weed smokers’ holiday of April 20 never stuck because, as Lee said, “a lot of people didn’t know what it meant.”

They went six months without a name. But club members quickly bonded over their shared disappointment in pharmaceuticals they had been prescribed. Either the pills weren’t helping them or the side effects were more onerous than their actual ailments.

Their knees and elbows and backs creaked. They had trouble sleeping. They were anxious. All they wanted was some relief.

So why not try a little pot?

Highly recommended

Sometimes it was their adult children who suggested it. More often the notion came from a medical-cannabis-card-carrying neighbor, who would offer a weed-infused lemon drop or a dab of a topical cream. It was a leap of faith for seniors who never tried pot — or hadn’t indulged since the Kingston Trio was topping the charts.

“The most common thing they say is, 'I’m not doing this to get high,’” said Rachna Patel, a Walnut Creek osteopath who has treated about 100 Rossmoor residents who use cannabis for pain relief. “A lot of them will first say, 'I can’t believe that I’m doing this.’”

But many are soon smiling at the results. Doug Stiles hadn’t partaken in years until he moved to Rossmoor about four years ago. Then he started rubbing a cannabis-infused topical solution into his wife’s knees to help with her arthritis. Four months later, she was moving more easily. Now Stiles takes cannabis-infused drops at night to soothe his anxiety and help him sleep.

Back in the day

That’s not how he used marijuana during his occasional indulgences as a young man.

“I remember at a party smoking with a brother-in-law, then going out to the liquor store. But we had to pull over in the park because we were laughing so hard,” Stiles said. But “now it’s about pain — and feeling better.”

What initially “surprised me,” said Eloise Theisen, a nurse practitioner in Lafayette who helps dozens of Rossmoor residents manage their health conditions with cannabis, “is how open they’ve been to trying new things.”

But club members aren’t your typical stoners. “Everybody always shows up 15 minutes early for the meetings,” said Lee, who used cannabis to help her with the aftereffects of acoustic neuroma surgery.

Dozens of Rossmoorians are now smoking or vaping or nibbling at edibles, mostly in the quiet of their homes.

Just for fun

Nobody smells weed outside. Unless maybe it’s coming from members of Rossmoor’s other cannabis club — a group focused less on education and support and more on enjoying the herb’s recreational pleasures. Unlike the Rossmoor Medical Marijuana Education and Support Club, the other group is not officially recognized by the administration.

The harder question for some is one that’s rarely been uttered in the half-century history of this 1,800-acre enclave: How can I score some weed in Rossmoor?

Medical cannabis dispensaries are banned in Walnut Creek, and there are few east of the Caldecott Tunnel.

And forget getting pot through that newfangled smartphone technology. The app-based marijuana delivery service Eaze — which promises cannabis within minutes for card-carrying Bay Area users — said only 2 percent of customers are seniors. Eaze is launching a pilot program with a San Diego senior community to learn how to make it easier for seniors to get deliveries.

'Untapped market’

“There’s definitely an untapped market there,” said Eaze spokeswoman Caroline Vespi. “There’s still that perception among some seniors that the only place you can get (cannabis) is from the dealer on the corner.”

After accepting an invitation to speak to the club a couple of years ago, the Harborside Health Center arranged for a tour of the Oakland medical cannabis dispensary. Now it counts dozens of Rossmoor residents as customers.

But nurse practitioner Theisen said venturing unaccompanied into a dispensary can be overwhelming for some seniors.

So, many Rossmoor residents get their weed from what once might have been an unlikely source: their grown children. State law allows medical cannabis patients to designate someone as a caregiver.

As the general public’s attitude toward marijuana has warmed over the past few years, the club’s membership has swelled, and some of the region’s top cannabis figures have appeared before them.

Last week’s meeting drew a record 81 members to hear John Malanca, founder of United Patients Group, a website that offers news and information about medical cannabis.

“How many people here think the only way to take marijuana is to smoke it?” Malanca asked the audience.

Not a hand went up.

“Wow,” Malanca said, rocking back a step. “When I was here a few years ago, 60 percent of the people raised their hands.”

After the meeting ended, Malanca said, “When I asked that, people just looked at me like, 'That was the most boneheaded question.’ But that’s why when I visit retirement communities around the country, I tell them about the amazing things going on at Rossmoor.”

Orange County aficionados

But while Rossmoorians are becoming weed sophisticates, they still lag behind their demographic peers at the Laguna Woods Village — formerly known as Leisure World — in Orange County. Cannabis-using residents there have established a relationship with a Humboldt County grower and created a distribution network in the community that has the administration’s blessing.

Down there, if Laguna Woods Village Cannabis Club organizer Lonnie Painter wants to smoke a joint outside his residence, he just sparks one up.

“Oh, sure,” said Painter, a 69-year-old retired restaurateur. “I do that almost daily.”

Joe Garofoli is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: jgarofoli@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @joegarofoli

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Ross...

Cannabis Dosing: Doctors Weigh In

Here is a great article from United Patients Group in which 3 Doctors using Medical Cannabis in their practices have seen similar trends in dosing and results..."How much should I take?" This is a question that comes up often and although dosing is an individual issue, these Doctors have worked with enough patients to see what is working.......


Doctors Weigh In – Medical Cannabis Dosing: Why Less May Be More

Posted on March 18, 2015 by UnitedPatientsGroup.com

Many medical cannabis patients take an overly aggressive approach to treatment. If one hit off a joint or one square of chocolate helps a little, then a whole joint or a whole chocolate bar will help a lot, right? Not quite. In many cases, while taking in ‘more‘ cannabis will make you ‘more‘ high, it won’t necessarily make you ‘more‘ healthy. In fact, reducing your dosage may actually make it ‘more‘ effective.

Dr. Dustin Sulak, the Medical Director of Integr8 Health, LLC, a network of three (3) holistic health clinics in New England, where he and his colleagues treat nearly 20,000 patients with medical cannabis as part of an integrative medicine approach to health, have found that many of his patients benefit more from low doses—they have better results and fewer side effects.

“When I started my practice, I was surprised to see that some patients were using very low dosages (e.g. 1 puff), while other patients require much higher dosages (e.g. 1 joint or a potent edible) to achieve optimal benefits,” notes Dr. Sulak. “Over time, I began to notice that most patients using small amounts of cannabis were getting better and more sustainable results than their high-dosage counterparts with similar conditions. Eventually I discovered that most people have a certain threshold dosage of cannabis, below which they’ll actually experience a gradual increase in health benefits over time, and above which they’ll start building tolerance, experiencing diminishing benefits, and more side effects.”

Preclinical research supports these observations, demonstrating that administration of cannabinoids can upregulate endocannabinoid system function at acute and lower doses via increased endocannabinoid production[i], cannabinoid receptor expression[ii], and cannabinoid receptor affinity[iii], as well as downregulate endocannabinoid system function upon persistent agonism (e.g. long-term high doses) via membrane receptor endosome internalization[iv]. This dosing phenomenon is known as a biphasic dose-response curve.

Dr. Sulak has moved many patients down to doses as low as 3–5 mg with his “sensitization protocol,” which helps current users to reset their endocannabinoid system. After just six days on the protocol, 90 percent of patients can decrease their dosage with improved benefits. His patients have an average reduction of 56 percent.

“This reduction not only improves benefits and reduces side effects – it saves patients a lot of money, and potentially makes more cannabis available for those with limited access,” says Dr. Sulak.

Dr. Bonni Goldstein, Medical Director of Canna-Centers, located throughout California, has noticed similar results with her patients. “Many of my patients using low doses for pain, mood, and sleep find that low doses give the effects they are looking for, and over time, due to the enhancement of their endocannabinoid system, they find that they don’t need as much phytocannabinoids to achieve the desired effects.”

Her observations are backed by a study from the Medicinal Cannabis Research Center at the University of California, San Diego, that tested vaping cannabis to treat neuropathic pain. The results showed that patients who used small-dose cannabis (1.29 percent) felt as much pain relief as patients who used medium-dose (3.53 percent) cannabis.

Why might this be? The functioning of the body’s endocannabinoid system, and its interaction with phytocannabinoids (from the cannabis plant), is not yet fully understood—marijuana’s quasi-legal status makes this difficult to study. Dr. Sulak and Dr. Goldstein both hypothesize that small doses of phytocannabinoids enhance the endocannabinoid system, while larger doses cause the system to down-regulate, making the receptors less responsive.

“Cannabinoids are bi-modal effects,” explains Dr. Allan Frankel, CEO of GreenBridge Medical Services in Santa Monica. “This means that in general, low dose and high dose can have opposite effects.”

He points to studies by GW Pharmaceuticals, makers of Sativex, that show better results from low or medium doses than high doses. One study of cancer patients found that low doses (1–4 sprays per day) resulted in statistically significant reductions in pain and sleep disruption, while high doses (11–16 sprays per day) did not result in better outcomes but did cause a much higher dropout rate (22 percent, versus 5 percent in the low-dose group).

Cancer patients are typically treated with extremely high doses of cannabis, but Dr. Frankel questions the wisdom behind this  approach.

“I have seen at least 7 patients with stage IV cancer who initially responded to RSO dosing [Rick Simpson Oil, which is often dosed as high as a gram per day] and then had new metastases, went on low dose CBD:THC and had clearing of metastases.”

He points out that nobody knows what “dose” or regimen is “best” for cancer. “In fact,” says Dr. Frankel, “probably a number of different cannabinoid ratios and doses for certain have anti-cancer effects through a multitude of mechanisms.” He says that, on average, across numerous ailments, his sickest patients use a dose of around 30–40 mg of cannabinoids—far lower than the RSO recommendation.

Dr. Sulak cautions that while he generally sees better results from lower doses, he has observed that about 10 percent of his patients only respond to very high doses—as much as 300–500 mg per dose.

He explains, “In general, patients with greater resilience and who are closer to balance in their physiology are more likely to succeed with lower dosages, while patients who have been sicker for longer sometimes may require aggressive dosing to control the disease process, then are able to convert to low dosages later, after they too are closer to health and balance.”

Dr. Sulak’s sources:

[i] Burstein, S, Hunter, S. 1995. “Stimulation of anandamide biosynthesis in N-18TG2 neuroblastoma cells by δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).” Biochemical pharmacology 49, no. 6: 855-858.

[ii] Cichewicz, D, Haller, V, Welch, S. 2001. “Changes in opioid and cannabinoid receptor protein following short-term combination treatment with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine.” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 297, no. 1: 121-127.

[iii] Oviedo, A, Glowa, J, Herkenham, M. 1993. “Chronic cannabinoid administration alters cannabinoid receptor binding in rat brain: a quantitative autoradiographic study.” Brain research 616, no. 1: 293-302.

[iv] Hsieh, C, et al. 1999. “Internalization and recycling of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor.” Journal of neurochemistry 73, no. 2: 493-501.

Source: http://www.unitedpatientsgroup.com/blog/

Stefanie LaRue: Cancer Survivor Story

Had to share this story that just came out on Medical Jane. Many times when people go through the barbaric treatments of chemotherapy and their cancer comes back...they start to rethink the situation and options and end up educating themselves on all of the alternative and more natural ways of healing. Here is one story written by Sonia Renea, writer for Medical Jane.

February 3, 2015

On the surface, Stefanie LaRue is a sweet girl with a hint of Texas in her voice. But like they say in the South, “she’s got a lot of fight in her.” Stefanie gives the term “breast cancer survivor” a new meaning. Every day she celebrates the time she may not have had.

In 2005, Stefanie’s world came to a halt. Her boyfriend discovered a lump in one of her breasts. At first, she was misdiagnosed by three different doctors and was told that she was too young for breast cancer. After all, she was only 30 years old at the time.

Stefanie was sent home several times with several rounds of antibiotics, which is quite telling of younger folks being misdiagnosed. By the time she could be tested thoroughly, the cancer had spread to her bones. Doctors diagnosed her with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer, which is cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other organs in the body. The prognosis was grim: she was given a year to live, at most.

Stefanie Fights Back, Leaves Toxic Environment

Three weeks later, Stefanie began her first round of chemotherapy. To make matters worse, she had to to cope with her employer, who showed little sympathy for her situation. Despite her job in commercial real estate being very stressful, she was expected to work through her cancer treatment.

“It [cannabis oil] is the best medicine.” – Stefanie LaRue

In retrospect, she credits a nurse practitioner with saving her life. “She pulled me aside and told me, ‘you have to leave that job. Working under so much stress is going to kill you.’ She made a very proactive effort that day to help me.” It was difficult, but Stefanie took her advice. “It was devastating,” she said. “It was hard having to leave that job and go on disability, but I believe that stress effects our emotions and our health,” she said. “I think working under all that pressure triggered my cancer.”

Stefanie filed for disability, finally taking time to focus on healing herself. She found help with an integrative oncologist at UCLA, where she learned how to make changes to her diet, use natural supplements, get acupuncture, and work on personal fitness; all of which are integrative, complimentary, and alternative treatments to go along with chemotherapy.

After six rounds of chemotherapy treatments, Stefanie had surgery to remove the cancer which ended up costing her all of her breast tissue.

This is my electronic press kit, the story of a breast cancer warrior who was diagnosed (but initially MISdiagnosed) at the age of 30 with STAGE 4 metastatic breast cancer. She was given one year to live.

Say “No” To Chemotherapy, “Yes” To Cannabis Oil

In 2013 Stefanie had a Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) and the results were not good. This was now her third reoccurrence of cancer. The chemo sensitivity testing concluded there were five lines of chemo treatments that would work on the tumors.

Stefanie declined the treatment. “I did my homework. I researched as much as I could. I watched. I listened. I read. I contacted. I prayed. Most of all, I believed. I weighed my options, which were essentially chemotherapy or cannabis oil, and I decided to take the natural route this time…” she says.

“My monthly lab and quarterly scan results are proof that the cannabis oil treatment worked.” – Stefanie LaRue

Stefanie followed the Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) protocol until she was cancer-free.

Her doctor even noted that this was due to her “alternative” treatments. “Cannabis oil killed all of the tumors in my body. My monthly lab and quarterly scan results are proof that the cannabis oil treatment worked,” she says.

Now that her cancer is gone, Stefanie takes a maintenance dose of .5 gram of concentrated cannabis oil per day and it seems to be working. Her last scan in December of 2014 showed no signs of cancerous tumors.

Stefanie LaRue: An Inspiration To Cancer Patients

Stefanie began sharing her story with others, urging women to empower themselves. She works with various breast cancer organizations, with a focus on young women (under the age of 40) who have been diagnosed with cancer.

As far as the cannabis movement goes, Stefanie is in it for the long haul. According to her, “It is going to take our actual patient community to help fast track changing the laws federally so it is important that we share, support one another, and join forces in advocating together on this journey until we are not deemed as criminals any longer. Yes, change is happening, but it is not happening fast enough!”

When asked if she has a message for others with cancer, she pauses and says quietly, “I would just say: Be your own voice. Be your own advocate. Jump in, engage, interact, ask for help from others on the same journey. It’s about quality of life. Do the work. Do not live in fear … live in love.”


Stefanie LaRue

Stefanie LaRue was 30 years old when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer and given the dismal prognosis of less than a year to live. That was nine years ago. And thanks …

Source: http://www.medicaljane.com/2015/02/03/stef...

You DO Have A Choice!

I am passing this article along that I just saw on the Cashinbis.com website. It is a wonderful testimonial by a woman here in Northern California who made the choice to use alternative medicines over prescriptions for her brain tumor. A big thanks to Felicia for writing her story and sharing!!

I Chose CBD Oil Over My Doctor’s Prescription

MMJ Patient Testimonial: Felicia Accomazzo, Windsor, CA

Yes, you heard that correct. Felicia Accomazzo, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor, said ‘No’ to modern medicine and went the alternative medicine route. And guess what? She is healing and feeling better than she did before! This is her story.

What medical condition have you been struggling with?

On June 15th of 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage One Pilocytic Astrocytoma. It’s a brain tumor that begins to develop early in one’s adolescent years. For years, I had been suffering from numerous neurological side effects and only recently discovered that this juvenile tumor was the cause this past year.

How long have you been experiencing your medical condition?

I’ve endured symptoms for the majority of my life. As early as 3 years old, I was getting severe headaches. I believe too that that was the time when the tumor began developing.

What do you believe caused this medical condition?

I actually believe it was exposure to the chemical, formaldehyde. I say this because I had a non-blood grandfather pass away from a massive brain tumor right around the time I began showing symptoms of headaches and he was heavily exposed to what is now a classified carcinogenic chemical, formaldehyde.

What medications have you been taking that was prescribed to you by your doctor?

When I was diagnosed with the brain tumor, I went through with a surgery. I had an incision along my head held together by 25 staples. I was put on medication to stop the hemorrhaging in my brain, to keep the swelling down, and to prevent seizures because they were concerned about that. The type of tumor that I was found to have was pressing on my cerebral glad and my brain stem, which made me nausea and caused me to vomit. Since the surgery, in terms of treatment, I no longer continued with traditional medicine. I have taken absolutely no medication from my doctor, I won’t accept it. I refused to agree to more chemo or radiation.

I have taken absolutely no medication from my doctor, I won’t accept it. I refused to agree to more chemo or radiation.

I wanted to hear what the doctors had to say, but I always knew that taking on medication like that would not be the treatment method I would choose.

What type of alternative medicine have you tried aside from your doctor’s recommendation?

I have experimented with countless forms. I began with the foundation of nutrition; I knew what I was putting in my body was important to my health and so I went the vegan route and have committed to juicing often. In my research on alternative medicine, I was reading about people doing hydrogen peroxide therapy which is when you ingest 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water. The idea behind this is that it creates oxygenated cells in your body and the idea behind cancer is that it cannot survive in an oxygenated body. So, I have been practicing that off and on for quite some time. I am also doing essential oils; I am making my own capsules of certain types of oils like frankincense to heal my cancer by detoxifying my body.

And lastly and rather importantly, I am taking CBD oils which I cannot say enough about. My preferred method of taking cannabidiol is inhalation, smoking it with a CBD vaporizer. Originally, I had been smoking marijuana, but found myself concerned with the toxic effects of the carcinogens you ingest when doing so. It was then that I switched to a vaporizer; instead of smoke, it emits water vapors which is much smarter and healthier option for patients battling cancer. You need to take care of yourself and stay far away from carcinogens.

SEE ALSO: How Cannabis, Herbal Remedies, and CBD Oil Made Me Feel Alive Again

How long have you been using alternative medicine?

I have used these methods of alternative medicine since June 2013. I didn’t start using cannabis as my main healing regime until earlier this year in January. I had met with a doctor in my area that specialized in treating all different types of cancer with cannabis. In our first appointment he presented me with two case studies done on two different women, both around my age, both with the same type of cancer as I had at similar stages as mine, who, after 6 years of using cannabis, had scans that showed their tumor had completely disappeared. And so far, I’m on that track.

How have you felt since you started using the alternative medicine? Compared to your prescribed medications?

So, previously to knowing what exactly what was going on, I was experiencing headaches that were absolutely debilitating; I couldn’t even get up out of bed or else I would become overwhelmed with nausea and have to vomit. When I did the initial operation it did relieve some pain, but the minute I started using the CBD oils and essential oils was when I really began feeling the significant difference.

Before I go to bed, I take CBD capsules. They haven’t only helped me with my cancer, the CBD oils have also helped me with my skin, my acne, and my weight; I am in the best shape of my life and have a much greater sense of well-being. I really can’t credit all these differences in my body to anything else but to cannabis oil because I know it’s making my body work the way it’s supposed to work. It is repairing my cells and giving me a new sense of well-being and happiness that makes me wake up wanting to live that day to the fullest.

I really can’t credit all these differences in my body to anything else but to cannabis oil because I know it’s making my body work the way it’s supposed to work.

Do you think you will continue with using alternative medicine?

Most definitely. I will be using it until my tumor doesn’t show up on that scan. Actually, I believe I will continue using it even after that. Cannabidiol supports both healing and your general health.

DISCLAIMER: The statements in this article are true experiences and real life medical scenarios of Felicia Accomazzo. The shared results may not work for you as it varies based on each individual immune system reaction. The information provided herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with a medical doctor prior to starting a new relief program such as mentioned in this article. The information herein is not a recommendation, suggestion, or medical advice to simulate Felicia Accomazzo’s relief program. This article was published for testimonial purposes only.